This Year's Speaker: Dr. Allan Brown
Dr. Allan Brown has served as the chair of the division of Ministerial Education at God’s Bible School and College, Cincinnati, His job is to oversee the training of pastors and, with his faculty, the development of the Bible/Theology courses.
He has served as a college teacher for many years and also served as a senior pastor for most of those years, pastoring 4 different churches.
He is married to Dr. Nadine Brown who was involved in cancer research at the Children’s Hospital Research Center in Cincinnati, OH, but is now retired. They have two married sons and 5 grandchildren (4 boys and 1 girl).
He is the author of several books, and recently wrote Holiness for Growing Christians, 2019, published by the Revivalist Press, Cincinnati, OH. In addition to his present teaching position, Dr. Brown ministers the Word of God in Camp Meetings, and local churches.
He and his family spent a year in China teaching at Beijing University, and he has had the privilege of preaching the message of holiness in many foreign countries.